Astrological Feng Shui ~ Monthly Treatment
September 2013
For those who attempt to do this work by other means, i will offer you remedies as best i can. Please invest in my book, Feng Shui Every Day, to ensure you aren't creating a disaster through ignorance and terminal frugality
If you are unsure of your feng shui work, book a consultation with me.
In the Northwest, Inheritance coming, add metal.
In the North, Dynamic work, float a candle in a bowl of water. Add a five-elements treatment with a tai chi.
In the Northeast, Loss of tangible dream, increase moving water and fire.
In the East, Stress-related illness, stop fire. Add moving metal.
In the Southeast, Conflict in romance, add two five-elements treatments.
In the South, Dynamic future, increase fire.
In the Southwest, Income for the healing arts / good time to partner, increase metal.
In the West, Surprise money, increase moving water.
In the Center, Divorce / spouse abuse, add three five-elements treatments and four bottles of water.
Spray your home daily with the Cleanse House Spritz.
Print out the monthly feng shui treatment.
For elemental treatments, go to the Feng Shui Shops.
How to make a five-elements treatment.
More information on feng shui.
