. March 2005  
Vernal Equinox: A Time of Renewal  

In this Issue...


Welcome to a network of websites grounded in the philosophy that spiritual consciousness infuses and informs all physical substance.

The world and everything in it is created of light and grace and exists in every moment complete and perfect.

Align yourself with that perfection and reveal your own true grace and light.

  A Network of Blessings




5 pm

$10 per session

The Blessings Center

1310 Carmona
Los Angeles

Between Fairfax and La Brea,

Between San Vicente and Pico




I return home from the market
with what is essential
to find you sitting by the fountain
sipping nectar and eating figs
like you have always been there
and always would be.

a song bird begins to sing
and every flower in the garden opens.

Happy Vernal Equinox!

In the Northern hemisphere, the Sun enters Aries on March 20th — the first day of Spring. This is a time of renewal and blossoming. Renew your good intentions for the year and blossom into your true self.

The Chinese Year of the Rooster 2005 has the energy for romance, education, publishing in the center section of the home. To enhance these aspects, bring four flowering plants to this sector to encourage love and wisdom to blossom in your life. Do not place plants if this is a bedroom.


Prepare yourself to perform the Meditation Ritual for the Equinox (see website).

Sunday Evening Meditation Class (March 20th) is replaced by the Vernal Equinox Workshop. 5pm, $35 (see theblessingscenter.com.

Renew your intention to pray for the planet for five seconds a day (see blesstheworld.com newsletter January 2005).

If you feel that praying for five seconds a day to heal the planet is not enough (are you actually doing it?) then become active: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TODAY TO SAVE THE WORLD? Take a moment everyday to make the world a better place, especially interacting with others. Make an effort to make an improvement.

First Aid

Shock and trauma overwhelm a portion of the psyche, stunting the growth process on all levels. An insect bite or paper cut; a car accident or death in the family — from surgery to a stubbed toe, this is your "first-aid-kit-in-a-bottle". More effective than Rescue Remedy or arnica, use for all minor or major emergencies. It is indispensable if you have children or when travelling; keep an extra bottle in your car and toiletries bag.

First Aid relieves shock and trauma from physical, emotional, mental, psychic, and spiritual stress, both current and historical. Use to relieve childhood and distant trauma as well as everyday circumstances. First Aid calls the spirit back so healing can begin.

1000 Lotus Petals

On the Earth plane, you are your brain. How your brain functions dictates how your body and your mind work — which results in who you are in the world. Proper functioning of the brain allows you to truly be yourself.

blessthebody.com Herbal Remedy 1000 Lotus Petals promotes the fine functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Traditionally, some of these herbs have been used for memory loss, depression, anxiety and (combined with blessthebody.com Herbal Remedy Resurrection) hormonal balance and insomnia.

Take one to five capsules three times per day. Always consult a qualified alternative medicine practitioner before starting or adjusting a health regime.

Please note: This formula contains Lady's Slipper Root, considered the most powerful nerve tonic known in the plant kingdom and heralded with almost miraculous properties. It is a very rare and expensive ingredient unavailable to most herbalists.

Combine with blessthebody.com Herbal Remedies: Resurrection, Tai Chi, Fountain of Youth, Love of Life, Garden of Peace — as needed.

Combine with blessthebody.com Spiritual Remedies: Radiation Cleanse, Bright Brain, Chakra Tonic, Karma Cleanse, E-motion Potion, Silver Light, Pink Light, Love Light, White Light, Grace and Peace and Joy — as needed.

Feng Shui

For the Chinese Year of the Rooster 2005, the sector for great luck is in the South. To enhance great luck in your life (especially with disaster at Heaven's door - see blesstheworld.com newsletter February 2005 ) place a red candle in the South sector and burn it a minimum of three hours a day.

Feng Shui Candles

Fire is one of the basic elements/building blocks of the universe and the use of fire in real magic and ritual dates back to pre-history. Fire is symbolic of cleansing/preparation, completion/re-birth, and devotion. It is used as a continuous, daily, and occasional element in feng shui, magic, and rituals both conventional and esoteric the world over.

Be sure all candles say "100% beeswax, soy or vegetable wax" — otherwise they pollute the environment and contribute to serious health problems such as brain tumors, lung cancer, miscarriage/abortion. Never burn regular candles in the home of a child with asthma/allergies.

blessthehome.com Ritual Candles are 100% white soybean wax and unscented for the very sensitive.

blessthehome.com Feng Shui Candles are 100% red crystalline vegie-soy wax with intoxicating aroma.

All candles are completely natural (wax, color, aroma) with cotton wicks and are prepared in recyclable glass for your safety and peace-of-mind.

To enhance fire blessings, always hold a specific intention in your mind and heart while lighting the candle.

May grace and peace and joy blossom in your life. Happy First Day of Spring from blesstheworld.com.

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