In this Issue...

Welcome to a network of
websites grounded in the philosophy that spiritual
consciousness infuses and informs all physical
The world and everything in it
created of light and grace and exists in every moment
complete and perfect.
Align yourself with that
and reveal your own true grace and light.
A Network of Blessings
5 pm
$10 per session
The Blessings Center
1310 Carmona
Los Angeles
Between Fairfax and La Brea, Between San Vicente and Pico
in the presence of the poet,
all is poetry;
in the presence of the lover,
all is love.
come to the banquet hungry
and ready to dance.
there is no sound
but music and singing;
there is no life
but celebration and gratitude.
has your invitation been misplaced?
have your ears been plugged?
you cannot remain dry
in the pool of devotion;
you cannot remain rigid
in the wind of the divine.
come to the celebration-feast hungry
and with dance in your heart.
For the first time, there will be a summer solstice
workshop at The Blessings Center, Sunday, June 20th.
It will replace the regular Sunday Evening Meditation.
These workshops timed to Earth astrology are a
powerful spiritual alignment for yourself and your soul.
Mark the date now. Details next month.
Please return to newsletter
July 2003 for travel tips.
Please return to newsletter
October 2002 for thoughts about
Gold Light
Green Light
Blessing Tags
Gold Light
Inertia, lethargy, dullness are antithetical to being
productive and manifesting a glorious present and
future. Shyness/cautiousness prevents you from being
your authentic self.
Gold Light stimulates you in the
physical world and excites you in your physical life. It
expands your energy field so you become dynamic.
This results in great magnetism, charisma,
attractiveness. It is excellent for performers and other
people in the public eye. Combine with
Pink Light for attracting romance.
Combine with Green
Light for attracting health and money.
Conflict/Feng Shui Astrology
As stated in earlier newsletters, this Chinese Year
of the Monkey has the energy of arguments and
lawsuits in the East sector of the home. The
suggestion of burning a Feng Shui
candle in the East sector
has yielded amazing results. Clients have seen conflict
dissipate quickly sometimes within minutes.
To insure harmony in all affairs, keep a Feng Shui
candle burning in the East at all times. In extreme
cases such as a stalker, instigator, or terrorist, use
nine candles at once.
The energy of conflict is strong on the Earth at this
time. As stated in earlier newsletters, this Chinese
Year of the Monkey is the first in a sixty-year
astrological cycle and all the attributes are amplified.
Any place with "East" in its name (such as "the Middle
East" or "East Los Angeles") holds the energy for great
conflict. As a blessing to the world, burn a red candle
in the East at the edge of your property to help
dissipate conflict on the Earth.
At the time of Lao Tzu and Confucious, Feng Shui
Astrology was a respected science and there was an
advisor to the Emperor who was consulted on all
affairs of state. If there were war during the Year of
the (Wood) Monkey, the recommendation would be to
burn the East sector of the area of conflict (be it city,
county, or state). Keeping a Feng Shui
candle burning in the East sector of your property
seems a preferable situation for everyone.
Fire is one of the basic elements/building blocks of the universe and the use of fire in real magic and ritual dates back to pre-history. Fire is symbolic of cleansing/preparation, completion/re-birth, and devotion. It is used as a continuous, daily, and occasional element in feng shui, magic, and rituals both conventional and esoteric the world over.
Be sure all candles say "100% beeswax, soy or vegetable wax" otherwise they pollute the environment and contribute to serious health problems such as brain tumors, lung cancer, miscarriage/abortion. Never burn regular candles in the home of a child with asthma/allergies. Ritual Candles are 100% white soybean wax and unscented for the very sensitive. Feng Shui Candles are 100% red crystalline vegie-soy wax with intoxicating aroma.
All candles are completely natural (wax, color, aroma) with cotton wicks and are prepared in recyclable glass for your safety and peace-of-mind.
To enhance fire blessings, always hold a specific intention in your mind and heart while lighting the candle.
Tips for Harmony
- Green Light
- Make sure your stove and refrigerator are not next to each other fire and ice fight. If they are next to each other, place a piece of wood between them.
- Hang Blessing Tags from each door of your home and/or office.
- Light Feng Shui Candles in every room when it rains. Fire and water do not fight - they merge (tai chi). Note: This image of the tai chi (yin/yang) is the astrological treatment in the South sector this year: Place water to harmonize the South (the direction of fire) and amplify all other energies. Do not place water if the South is a bedroom. Do not place amplifying treatments unless negative energies are already treated.
Green Light
Dis-harmony is the basis of dis-ease. Imbalance is the basis of trauma. Health on the physical, emotional/mental, spiritual levels is based on harmony and balance. Green Light is the great harmonizer. It works internally/ externally; personally/inter-personally. It balances any condition/situation. Green Light affects both the present and the future, thus it is a great preventer of dis-ease on any level and in any realm. It is a very important remedy for anyone wishing to transition to a more peaceful future.
Green Light is excellent for healers, politicians/diplomats, contract negotiators, care-givers, large families, anyone over-worked or who abuses his health. It is important during legal battles.
Green Light is a prayer that our mis-spent past may not be the basis of our future. Green Light is a prayer for universal peace. Liberal use of Green Light will reward you many times over.
May the products and information from bring your life harmony that you may live in grace and peace and joy.